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Whether in a session or in the hallway, enthusiasm at the Global Humanitarian Technology Conference last month abounded. Connections of thought and skills and passions come together for the betterment of communities who are yet to be reached By urban sprawl. I heard a story that reminded me that people may be praying for help that does not arrive in their lifetime.

i am reminded of a presentation I saw of an invention that adapts a cell phone camera into a microscope while utilizing its computational abilities as well. How fantastic, to take a product that is widely in use and adapt it to become a very widely available, cost effective tool for water quality assessment and disease detection. Very exciting stuff!

Those who are unsure of the next step or have hit a snag present their challenges and struggles without judgement. How beautiful!! To be among a group of people who know that failure is just one step along the path to success.

Moreover, these are the bravest people who put their lives where their conviction are. Vulnerability is beautiful . We could all learn some come humility for the good of mankind. Think of what you could do without to put a solar lantern in the hand of  studying child.

When was the last time you experienced a time when you entered the common spaces at work, heard excited conversations about what is happening and what could happen to decrease suffering both socio- economically and medically. Passions are evident and infectious. NO Inoculation needed.

Perhaps we need a vaccination; a little taste of what people can do for each other selflessly. LET LOVE FOR OTHERS GO VIRAL!

Check out http://www.ieeeghtc.org look into the recap link on the left column. Be informed and inspired.
